Kairos Engineering is an Energy Service Company ( ESCo ) accredited by the Authority since 2011 and UNI CEI 11352 from 2013. Our staff can count on professionals specialized in the field of energy management , also certified UNI CEI 11339 , with over 20 years of work experience, of which at least 9 in the specific field of energy.
Kairos engineering consultants , through a careful analysis of energy use will be able to suggest energy efficiency measures , aimed at rationalizing consumption , and to find solutions based on the use of efficient technologies and possibilities in renewable energies.
In ancient Greece the concept of Kairos was opposed to the concept of logical and sequential time, and represents ” the right time ” , the moment when something special can happen , the opportunity that presents itself in front of a crisis .
Aconcept that well is the idea behind the work of Kairos Engineering :providing companies with the tools to understand the real benefits of improved energy efficiency , turning a problem into a real opportunity .
Too often we tend to address the issue of energy consumption by focusing on the costs related to the supply contracts , an approach that can lead only apparent advantages in the short term , because it ignores the main problem ” upstream ” : the manner in which the ‘ energy is used.
The energy consultants Kairos engineering through a thorough analysis of energy use will be able to identify the caverns and suggest interventions aimed at rationalizing power management solutions for the modernization of existing facilities ( where necessary) and investments in new technologies based on the use of renewable sources , able to guarantee , through the maximization of returns , a real reduction of costs incurred.
Kairos Staff will be at your side not only in the initial stage of verification , identified the objectives and the tools needed to achieve them , will follow in person or through external partners , under its supervision , the implementation of remedial measures , also provides sales for the processing of paperwork , ensuring transparency and prompt communications.