The GSE, Manager of Energy Services, is one of the main institutional actors in the national energy system, as indicated by the legislator as an operator of all incentive systems, including most recently the mechanism of the Energy Efficiency Certificates (White Certificates) , which is the main instrument incentive for energy efficiency.
All operators, professional and not, as well as the manufacturers have learned over the years about the importance of communication with the GSE and often also the difficulties of communication, in terms of long waiting times at the call center or in written responses.
Aware of this, thanks to an agreement signed at the national level between the GSE and FEDERESCO, we too as associated Federesco, we can take advantage of a direct channel of communication with the Manager for Energy Services.
Notwithstanding the validity of even legal response GSE, the service aims to guarantee a response and drastically reduce the time of the GSE, a few working days (up to 3 days). And we all know how this can be important.
Once you understand the needs of the customer , we can make on behalf of the same request written in a professional manner and direct it properly to the relevant section of the GSE , and directly to the leaders in charge of managing it.